Our Top 12 girls will be singing Tuesday. The theme on both shows is "Top 100 Hits (on Itunes)" which is a huge choice for people to pick from. Who will make the mistake of taking an ex-idol contestant's theme song and butchering it? Who will sing a standard from the 1950's and make us frown? Who will sing some terrible obscure song we all scratch our heads with? Let the games begin.
Thus, here is my brief preview. I don't feel like I have seen enough of everyone to make any definitive predictions this year, but these are the people I think will do well, and who are my favorites. (Note: Bad work by idol that a lot of the Top 24 seem like strangers...)

Ashley Rodriguez is my favorite of the girls so far. She got very little airtime during Hollywood week (apparently she didn't throw a tantrum or act like an idiot, thus her airtime was limited. Although getting airtime for being a jerk in Hollywood week is not always a good thing...) I think she has a good look, a nice personality, and I like her voice a lot. It's also probably to her benefit as she is not white and blonde, as there are always a few blonde girls in the Top 24, and all 6 girls picked will not be blonde. (It shouldn't matter, but it does. Everything does.) She also is R&B in a field that seems like it has a lot of people who want to sing country / folk and strum guitars.

I think Didi Benami will do well in this competition. There is something about her that stands out to me over most of the other girls. There are about 4 or 5 people I put in the Top 12 as soon as I saw them, and Didi (with Ashley for the girls) was one of them. Her performances so far have been excellent, and she probably got less screen time than she deserved because of this.
Katelyn Epperly stood out to me in her first appearance and has continued to do well. Out of a lot of the sob stories I have real empathy for her because she really is in a tough position, with her mom (for reason I cannot understand) leaning on her throught her divorce. (God forbid I ever got divorced, I'm not going to use my daughter as a crutch. Parents are supposed to be the crutches, not the children.) I think she has a good look, a good personality, and stands out among the girls.
Finally Katie Stevens. There is usually at least one young girl whose voice is way beyond her years, and Katie is that person for me. If she can avoid the pitfalls of being young (which is hard for Simon who wants you to not act immature, but not act older than your age, which is kind of impossible). I think the show this year will really try to push the girls, and a young star is just what Idol would want.
I'm not as sold on Haley (the young black girl who sings country) as she was more and more nervous with every performance, rather than the other way around. Since she is only 16, i can easily see her cracking. I think Lilly Scott will make Top 12 but I am still not sure what to think of her. I wish her hair was a different color, she reminds me too much of my least favorite contestant of all time when I see it (a Mr. Taylor Hicks).
Hopefully someone will jump out from the girls as someone I really enjoy week to week and can get behind, because the last two years only the men have had contestants like that.
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